Customized goods are generally not accompanied by guarantees. We deliver high-quality products – and we do so on time If there is a quality issue with your order (product defects) , you may return it in new condition and in its original packaging for a prompt exchange for the same item, or immediate full refund. Understandably, personalized items cannot be accepted for return, unless there is a manufacturing error or product defect. 

If the custom products you receive differ materially from what you created at, if the goods are otherwise flawed, or if your order arrives later than promised, then you may return the custom goods for a refund (20% restock fee will apply), within 15 days of receiving your custom order. Please notify us at VanGeaux Ink Printing before returning any goods to ensure that your return is handled quickly and accurately.

Please contact us at [email protected] or via Chat if there are any issues.